Hello Options

A new approach to birth control counseling

Hello Options, developed by Ci3 at the University of Chicago, is an all-in-one contraceptive counseling tool designed in collaboration with adolescents, healthcare providers, and peer educators.

The tool features physical replicas of the birth control pill, patch, ring, shot, IUD (copper and hormonal), implant, internal condom, and external condom.

The tool features physical replicas of the birth control pill, patch, ring, shot, IUD (copper and hormonal), implant, internal condom, and external condom.

The tool is designed to spark conversations between adolescent patients and healthcare providers, equipping adolescents  with a better understanding of their birth control options.

Seeing and feeling each birth control method encourages informed decision making about which options might be best suited for an adolescent’s body, sexuality, and life.

Seeing and feeling each birth control method encourages informed decision making about which options might be best suited for an adolescent’s body, sexuality, and life.

Some patients want to understand the array of birth control that are out there. So it’s really about how to help people conceptualize all of the options. And then start to ask themselves some questions about what it is they’re looking for.


Our Process

At Ci3, we bring designers, healthcare providers, and adolescents together to help healthcare providers to foster an entirely adolescent-centered approach to care. 

The development process for Hello Options is what makes it wholly unique.

Our interdiscplinary team applies human-centered design to the tools and services we create for adolescents and healthcare proviers. Human-centered design is a research methodology focused on the needs of people that is used to generate innovative solutions and implementation strategies that use a wide systems view. 

Specific to Hello Options, this means our team designs with adolescents and sexual healthcare providers in order to identify needs and understand challenges unique to the sexual health space. This is critical in order to create a healthcare intervention that feels inclusive and expansive for adolescents. 

Awards & Recognition

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